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I'm Lisa. I'm a wife, mom of two, freelance writer and documenter. This is where I share bits and pieces of my sometimes crazy, mostly happy life.

Family Album // Week 6

Family Album // Week 6

A mix of good and bad this week. So, just your average week. Mike was gone all week and my Dad flew in to help out. He's retired and currently a house husband. He loves it and I love having him here. Ben got sick, yet again. Ever since his hospital stint, I panic whenever he gets sick and we go straight to the pediatrician. Awesome. Verdict: just a bad cold. Then there were swim lessons for Ava. Ah, swim lessons. Such a long story, but suffice it to say, we have a love-hate relationship with swim lessons. And that's week six for us. 

For this spread, I used a mix of Gossamer Blue and Studio Calico cards. The February GB kit had a great pink/purple/red thing going on and that worked well with most of my photos. The top left card is Studio Calico. I added a wood veneer geotag and stamped the dates. I've been using a basic date stamp from Amazon since the Becky Higgins stamp ended with 2016. The stamp on Ava's swim lesson picture is Kelly Purkey (no longer available). The striped card is Gossamer Blue with my journaling on vellum slipped in on top. The journaling card bottom right is Studio Calico stamped with a thumbs down from Kelly Purkey. 

The right side starts with a Studio Calico card from a One Little Bird set that I love. So versatile, and probably a good fit for folks doing Week in the Life. Another (older) Kelly Purkey stamp on Ben's monthly picture. Next is a Gossamer Blue love filler, a Studio Calico filler with wood veneer hearts and then scraps from the GB filler card adhered to the black and white photo to bring those colors back in. 

Let me know if I've left anything out! Thanks for stopping by. 

Side note: I just figured out how to fix my Comments functionality and it looks like they are up and running. So sorry about that, guys!! 

Feed Your Craft // My Little Space

Feed Your Craft // My Little Space

Feed Your Craft // The High Museum

Feed Your Craft // The High Museum