Week in the Life // Tuesday Words & Photos
Tuesday // Up around 7am, which is the norm around here, no matter the day. Same drill: up and breakfast; get the kids dressed and check my email to see if there were any handouts to be printed for Ava’s classes today. We didn't allow iPads at the table ever, but we’ve made an exception during this weird time. I’m afraid that’s going to be a huge mistake. They love cereal and that’s all Mike will make for them when he does breakfast. I only let them do it a few times a week. Recently it’s been cheesy eggs, greek yogurt and fruit, or nutrigrain waffles with peanut butter.
They both like to get themselves dressed and it’s hilarious (and annoying). I’m not great about cleaning out their drawers, so they inevitably have clothes that are too small in their drawers. Ben is constantly wearing crop tops (size two or smaller, when he is a size four). Ava’s not great at getting herself dressed. Ben picks things because he wants to be “fancy.” This morning, ben and I played a few board games. This is definitely a work in progress for him. Half the time he has a meltdown because he doesn’t want to take turns, or he wants to win. Today was ok. Then it’s snack time. I cannot believe how much these people eat. It’s a constant struggle to make sure it’s healthy stuff. We’re lucky they aren’t very picky. They both love carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, all the good stuff. But they’d obviously prefer goldfish 24/7.
Mike took the kids outside for a few hours before lunch (Ava joined during breaks between classes). It’s been chilly the past few days. Today is mom and dad’s anniversary and they had plans and wouldn’t be visiting. Later it was magnets for ben. It’s fascinating to me what toys they both like. They have completely different personalities and have very few overlapping interests. So far, they both love legos, magnets, and play doh. They both also love to draw and paint. Pretend food is also big. Santa brought Ben a food truck for Christmas and it has been a big hit for both of them. Lunch has been PBJ and chips with yogurt. Sometimes cheesy egg sandwiches. Ava likes salads. Lunch is very basic. I don’t love having to make three meals a day for everyone. That’s also been an adjustment. Their favorite thing right now is Chobani Flips. They aren’t the greatest, so they are a treat. We keep them in the garage so they are out of sight. But, as soon as they get a green light they sprint to the garage to pick their flavor. There are inevitably arguments over who gets what.
While mike has Ben, I try and get a little work done. I have my design team work, classes to record, articles to write, and I’m studying for my license right now (that's a story for another time). I haven’t been working in my office lately because of the room’s proximity to Ava’s. Her virtual classes drive me crazy. Teachers really are saints. I text with Kim daily and she has become such a good friend. I’ll be so sad when Ava leaves her class. I’m sad to see this year end this way. We found out today that cheer camp was canceled for sure. Ava was devastated. She’s been going since she was four. Our next door neighbor is on the AHS squad and was her camp counselor last year and was going to be this year. We have so much to be grateful for, but it’s only human to be sad. We’re walking the fine line of what to share with Ava. I mentioned yesterday that next fall may start with virtual learning. She handles things better if she’s prepared. She seemed ok. We always talk about the good along with the bad. She’s such an amazing kid.
Today was her last Musical Theater class. I texted with Kate for the first time in a while (they were in Florida with Chris’ parents). I want to include that text chain. We always have funny conversations. We chatted about whether we’ll do the same place for dance next year, or if the girls will do dance at all. They are getting to an age where they have stronger preferences. Normally, I have our plan for the year’s activities mapped out, but there are too many unknowns. Plus, this will be the first school year with ben in activities and a longer day at school. And my parents will no longer be here to help. It feels like a big year of transition, even without this upheaval.
Dinner was Mangia leftovers. Fruit popsicles for desert every single night. Tonight was a bath night. We’ve been alternating between baths and showers with them. They both prefer baths, but Ava’s hair is a huge hassle in the bath. Plus, they are both able to do a shower without assistance. They are still doing every bath and shower in our bathroom. I wonder when that will lose it’s charm. Our shower is one of my favorite things. I don’t mind at all, but Mike hates the mess and toys they leave behind. I spent an hour detangling Ava’s hair tonight and it is so frustrating. We are trying to get her to brush her hair everyday. She inevitably forgets. Ugh. At least I didn't need scissors tonight. She ended up missing story time because of how long it took to comb her hair. She hates that because it’s her favorite time.
That’s probably it for my initial thoughts on Tuesday. Again, I’m guessing individual photos will spur other stories and I intend to include more feelings. Also, these don’t include screenshots and a few photos from my phone. Let me know if y’all have questions in the comments.