Littles Library // Ava
We're big on books around here. I have this fantasy of writing and illustrating a children's book...someday. Thankfully, Ava has picked up our love of reading and it's something we all do together. I'm constantly on the lookout for great books and thought it might be fun to share our current favorites:
1 // Today. This book is at the top of the list for a reason. It's very interactive, letting your child choose their outfit, their breakfast, and more as the story moves forward. Almost like a preschooler Choose-Your-Own-Adventure (remember those!?).
2 // Frida Kahlo. I love biographies. And I love the biographies that have been reimagined to be more accessible to little ones. In our current political climate, I feel like its particularly important for Ava to read about brilliant, creative and strong women. Kahlo was an interesting woman and this is an interesting book. It does touch-on some serious topics, but in a gentle way.
3 // Lady Pancake & Sir French Toast. One of my favorites. So fun to read. So creative. An epic adventure through a refrigerator. We've already pre-ordered the sequel!
4 // The Bear and the Piano. We discovered this one through LitJoy Crate (a gift from my parents for Ava's birthday). It's a monthly crate that delivers a book and several similarly-themed items. I cried the first time we read it. Such a great message.
5 // I am Lucille Ball. Another great little biography about an inspiriting woman. I learned something, too. Love this entire series, we have them all.
6 // The 50 States. Very cool book. Wonderfully illustrated and packed with fun facts and trivia.
7 // I am Helen Keller. Another great biography in the Ordinary People Change the World Series. This was very timely for us. It talks about challenges and frustration and ultimately, perseverance. They include a little example of Braille, which she loved.
8 // Everyone Loves Cupcake. A cute little story with a great message. I found myself chuckling out loud with this one.
9 // The First Rule of Little Brothers. Another one that was very timely for us. With a new baby in the house, it was a good reminder that annoying little brothers grow up to be best friends.
It's also been fun revisiting old favorites as we read to Ben. I'm hoping to post a round-up of our favorite board book classics along with new favorites too. I'm always eager to discover new gems. What are your current favorites?